Search engines have been around since the beginning of the internet. They are the most convenient way to find the information you are looking for. Because of this, there is a natural relationship with customers and businesses.
If you live in Oakville or Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and you are looking for a new roof for your house, most people now days would go to Google and search the keyword “roofer in Oakville”, or some variation of that keyword. This triggers Google to find what it feels is the most relevant result and shows you a list of various roofing companies.
Our goal with search engine marketing is to make sure your business is the most relevant result. This means that when someone is searching for your product or service you will be among the first professionals they see. This means you will get more sales and create more revenue for your business.
This is called intent-based search, which means that the person searching is doing so with the full intent of engaging the service they desire. So not only will you experience an increase of business, but the transactions and customer tend to be easier to please as well, simply because they have already bought into the idea.
We have extensive experience optimizing websites to appear first in these search engine results pages. We are qualified in numerous ways, include being a Google Partner. We would love to serve you the way we have so many others.
Filling out the discovery form will allow us to understand and evaluate your business. We will look for specific opportunities that we can help your business take advantage of, and we will get back with you within 72 hours